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Sylvie has shown success in implementing personal care to a lady with progressively advanced dementia.  In this instance reluctance and fear of support has led to a decline in personal care over the past few years.  Sylvie has successfully taken on this package of care and from the onset eliminated all uncertainties offering peace of mind and reassurance to the service user and her husband who was initially sceptical about having carers for his beloved wife.  The following is a testimony in support of the above;

Having struggled to get my father to accept help with personal care for my mother he finally, and somewhat reluctantly, made a decision to “give it a go”.
Sylvie understood the concerns and fears of handing over personal care to a stranger. She understood that Mum was not very receptive or keen on the idea. Sylvie is kind, empathetic and friendly.
Despite last minute worries by Dad the personal care was a huge success and gave Dad a lot of confidence in the service.
Daughter of service user – O Frankton, May 2018

Enormous respect was given to Sylvie when she went above and beyond working during extreme and inclement weather conditions braving the elements to ensure her clients received care and support, as well as offering a lifeline to support her co-workers who had become entrenched in the snowy conditions.

Sylvie loves working with people, she is enthusiastic about her caring role and aims to raise the spirits of those she cares for. We believe there is no body more deserving of this award than Sylvie Honnore.

Link: https://www.towergateinsurance.co.uk/care-medical-insurance/care-awards[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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